About Us


The Sisters of Saints Cyril and Methodius

We, the Sisters of Saints Cyril and Methodius, welcome you! Christ is the heart of our spiritual life together. We believe that the Kingdom is in our midst, nourished by the Eucharist and by the Word of God. We give our lives in selfless service to the people of God in love and compassion. We are a presence of Christ in the world through our vowed communal life, joy in the service of the kingdom and spirit of prayerfulness and simplicity. We honor Mary, mother of the Church, as a special model of our living in the Kingdom with faith, deep trust in the Divine Providence and active love.

Our Annual food drive, the Jubilee Kitchen

Founded in 1909 and having begun a second century of service in the Church, the Sisters of Saints Cyril and Methodius continue to be a vibrant community of women who love God, follow Christ, and listen attentively to the Spirit.  Every day we dedicate time to prayer and the works of mercy.  We publicly profess the vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience.  The vow of chastity, lived as a celibate, impels us to love unconditionally and inclusively.  By the vow of poverty, we choose to live a simple life, holding all things in common. We center our priorities around relationships rather than material possessions. The vow of obedience calls us to listen

Our Sisters of Saint Cyril and Methodius

attentively to the heartbeat of God and to discern God’s dream for us and for the world in dialogue with the members of our community and its mission. We remind others of the necessity to help the poor, the widow, the orphaned, the

immigrant and the outcast, and we speak intimately of a loving God who is present among us.